Top 10 Most Beautiful Game Of Thrones Female Characters

The Game of Thrones is the most popular show on television, which is watched the most times. This show gained the most popularity and along with it, it also had the highest watch time. Many people are curious about who are the hottest female characters on this show. All the female characters of this show got a lot of love from the audience.

In this web series, women attracted everyone’s attention as compared to men, their beauty and acting were also liked by the audience. Many people would disagree with some or all of these rankings, but those are my own opinion.

Game Of Thrones Female Characters

Game Of Thrones is one of the most watched web series. Acting, action, romance everything will be seen in this series. Along with this, female characters also attracted the attention of the audience. We have brought a list of such women for you.

Daenerys Targaryen

Full NameDaenerys Targaryen
House AffiliationHouse Targaryen
TitlesPrincess of Dragonstone, The Unburnt, Queen of Meereen
Significant RelationshipsSpouses: Drogo, Hizdahr zo Loraq
ChildrenRhaego (stillborn), Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion (Dragons)
ReligionFaith of the Seven
NationalityValyrian, Dothraki (by marriage)

Emilia Clarke is one of the Most Beautiful Game Of Thrones Female Characters. She is also known as Mother of Dragon. Life has gone through a lot of turmoil playing this character, but still she never gives up. She is always ready to protect her people. Daenerys Targaryen entertained the audience a lot with her beauty and acting, although she had to be trolled due to some scenes.

Sansa stark

Full NameSansa Stark
AliasAlayne Stone (assumed identity), Jonquil, Little Dove (television only)
TitleDe facto Lady of the Eyrie, Queen in the North (television only)
BirthplaceWinterfell, The North
ParentsLord Eddard Stark (father), Lady Catelyn Stark (mother)
SiblingsRobb Stark (brother), Arya Stark (sister), Bran Stark (brother)
SpousesTyrion Lannister, Ramsay Bolton (television only)
AppearanceTall, slim, womanly, classically beautiful; blue eyes, high cheekbones
SkillsEmbroidery, music, poetry, singing
Adaptation PortrayalSophie Turner in the HBO adaptation Game of Thrones
Television AppearancesGame of Thrones (2011-2019)

The most popular and popular female character of Game of Thrones is Sansa Stark. She is the youngest of the Stark children, but has played a significant role in the series. Sansa Stark was first introduced to audiences as a young girl by her father, Lord Eddard. This character attracted the attention of the audience with his acting.

Cersei Lannister

Full NameCersei Lannister
TitleQueen Consort to Robert Baratheon
Queen Regent to Joffrey and Tommen
Lady of Casterly Rock
Light of the West
Dowager Queen
FamilyHouse Lannister
SpouseRobert Baratheon
ChildrenJoffrey Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon

Cersei is by far the hottest game of thrones female character in my opinion. Through her acting she proved that she is a talented actress and beautiful woman. She has added spice to web series with her hotness many times. Some people dislike him in web series, due to his terrible character.


Full NameMissandei
First AppearanceLiterature: A Storm of Swords (2000)
Last AppearanceTelevision: “The Last of the Starks” (2019)
Portrayed byNathalie Emmanuel
TitleQueen’s Personal Advisor
OccupationAdvisor to the Queen
RelativesMarselen (brother)
RoleFormer slave turned advisor to Daenerys Targaryen
Notable TraitsPolyglot, speaks nineteen languages
Early LifeCaptured by raiders and sold into slavery in Astapor
ImpactPortrayed by Nathalie Emmanuel, gained significant fan following

The one of the most popular characters in Game of Thrones because of her appearance. Missandei is the translator who helps Daenerys Targaryen during her journey to Westeros.

Ellaria Sand

Ellaria Sand’s character in the series is full of surprises. As a mother, she is protective of her children and fights for them. Ellaria may not appear as a formidable foe, but she has it in her to fight back for her loved ones. Ellaria is the only female character in the whole series.

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