Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramp : Due to changing lifestyle, pollution and change in diet, the problem of periods pain is very common in women today. Women experience a lot of pain during periods. Periods is a process that starts in women from the age of 12 to the age of 50. Periods last for 3 to 7 days every month and all women have to face this problem every month.
Periods are physically and mentally disturbing. These days, women have some symptoms along with period pain, such as swelling, hardening of the breast, swelling in the stomach, mood swings etc. In such a situation, women resort to medicines to get rid of this problem, which can be harmful for their health.
For information, let us tell you that women experience two types of pain during periods. The first one is called primary dysmenorrhea, in which there is pain in the lower abdomen. This pain usually occurs with the start of periods and goes away in 2 to 3 days. Others
The pain is called dysmenorrhea and it occurs until the girl is 20 years of age.
Home Remedies To Relieve Periods Pain
In case of pain during periods, one should not take any kind of medicine, but home remedies should be used instead. We are sharing with you some home remedies, using which you can get relief from pain.
Massage with sesame oil

This is the best method, it has been one of the favorite remedies of grandmothers for years. To reduce the cramps in the initial days of periods, massaging the lower abdomen with til oil provides great relief.
Use a heating pad

During periods, apply a heating pad to the lower back for about 10-15 minutes. It is completely natural and it is also very beneficial.
Eat asafoetida

If you have severe pain during periods then consume asafoetida. It works like an Ayurvedic medicine and helps in reducing stomach pain during periods.

Tulsi is full of medicinal properties, along with this it also works as a natural pain killer. If consumed during periods, it will provide great relief from pain. For information, let us tell you that caffeic acid is found in basil. It is also easy to consume, so you can drink it by adding it to tea.
Most women also have to face the problem of pain during periods due to improper flow. In such a situation, by consuming papaya, you can get rid of the problem of flow during periods. It is easily available in the local market. In the beginning, most girls are not aware about it.
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