8 Myth about Periods that you need to Know

You are currently viewing 8 Myth about Periods that you need to Know

Myth about periods: What should be eaten during periods? Is there any exercise to get periods early? How to sit up during periods? What should you do if you have pain during periods? How should you live in these five days of periods? Has anyone given you any such rule book.

Even today many girls do not have proper knowledge about periods and there are many myths about it. About which you are being told here. Many women are also confused by similar myths.

Myth about periods for girls

What are the signs of periods coming?

  1. Hair starts coming in the body before the arrival of periods.
  2. Hair comes in legs, hands and underarms.
    Hair starts coming on 3. sexual organs too.
  3. A bulge is created in the chest.

These symptoms can be a sign of starting periods.

Myth About Periods

Click here to know about what exactly happens during periods, and there are many myths about periods.

1. Curd, tamarind chutney should not be eaten during periods

After all, what happens during periods after eating sour food? If someone has advised you that sour food should not be eaten during periods because the flow becomes more, then this advice is wrong.

If you are thinking of what to do if you have pain in periods, then it is important to know that what you eat does not determine the flow of your bleeding. But you can ease your pain with the help of exercise, medicine and hot water compresses.

2. Girls are dirty and unclean during periods

Having periods is normal. The body of girls is such that they have to bleed every month. There is nothing dirty or unusual in this. This is a natural process. Many believe in this myth and segregate girls during their periods, neither allowing them to eat with the family nor allow them to enter the rooms of the house. Even entering the kitchen is banned because they believe that “girls are dirty during periods and will defile the food.

3. Girls should not exercise during periods

What should I do if I have pain during periods? Exercise! Yes. But many people will advise you not to do any exercise or any outdoor work during periods and take rest because exercising can increase the flow of your bleeding up and down. But the truth is that exercising during periods reduces your colic.

Many times girls also exercise to bring periods early but this method is not 100% effective. Before an important date or event, do not exercise to bring the periods early, use only the medicine prescribed by the female gynecologist.

4. Hair should not be washed during periods

Often girls are advised that hair should not be washed during the days of menstruation because it leads to chances of infertility, but this is a lie. Biologically washing your hair has nothing to do with your infertility.

5. Periods should end in a week

Every woman’s body is different and she works in a different way. That’s why all menstrual cycles are different. Changes keep coming in this cycle even according to the changing age. Some women have fewer periods and some have longer periods.

In many girls, periods last longer than time. But there is no problem in this, it is very normal. For this you can contact your female doctor.

6. Woman cannot get pregnant during her period

However, the chances of conceiving during periods are less. But it is not at all that a woman cannot get pregnant during periods. Girls do not know much about it, If the sperm remains inside the vagina during sexual intercourse, it remains alive for seven days. That means the possibility of pregnancy will remain for the next seven days. So use safe methods even during periods.

7. Using a pad reduces bleeding

This is not the case at all, nor is there any evidence that the use of pads reduces bleeding in women. Women feel easy and comfortable during periods by using pads. It is more comfortable than the clothes used in earlier times.

8. Trees cannot touch during periods

Even today many people believe that if the shadow of women falls on a tree during periods, it will dry up. but it’s not like that. Women need more care during periods, due to this parents need to take more care.

Conclusion : Myth About Periods

This is a very important topic related to women’s health and there should not be any negligence regarding it. It is necessary to have proper knowledge of it. If you still have any hesitation in your mind, then you must take the advice of a female gynecologist.

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Priya Verma

Priya Verma is a blogger and professional writer who loves to write about entertainment. She is always up to date with the latest celebrity news and the entertainment world.

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